Indies Introduce/Indie Next

(ABA’s) Indies Introduce/Indie Next

two lists showcasing books that independent booksellers want to promote

Who uses the Indies Introduce and Indies Next lists?

Independent booksellers may choose to highlight the books on these lists in their stores. Participating independent booksellers can get special terms from publishers on these books. ABA’s website also provides downloadable “shelf-talkers,” paper tags placed with books on bookstore shelves that tell customers why they might want to buy that book. If your book is chosen for one of these lists, your sales might go up, and your publisher might give your book more promo.

How does a book get chosen for Indies Introduce?

A panel of booksellers chooses ten debut books to put on the list. These are books they think are compelling and will sell well. The Indies Introduce list comes out twice a year, with ten books on each list, according to the books’ release dates (winter/spring and summer/fall).

How does a book get chosen for Indie Next?

Books are chosen for this list based on bookseller recommendations–they are books that independent booksellers enjoy handselling to readers. Dozens of titles are featured each season (winter, autumn, summer spring), including both debut books and books by established authors.

When do these two lists appear online?

The Indies Introduce winter/spring list goes online in September, before the books go on sale. The Indies Introduce summer/fall list goes online in April, before the books go on sale. The preview of the Indie Next lists go online the month before the date of each list (eg the February list goes up in January so that booksellers can preview it before February).


Link to Indie Next List.

Link to ABA’s website.