Debut groups

debut groups

online marketing/support groups for debut authors

What’s the benefit of joining a debut group?

Some debut groups work together to market their books. They set up engagements or panels at conferences, bookstores, libraries, festivals, etc. Some focus more on online marketing, using social media to post about each other’s books. Some groups focus mostly on support, using private forums or blogs to communicate with each other to answer each other’s questions, celebrate successes, and commiserate during rough patches. Most groups pass around early copies of members books so that members can cross promote.

How do I join a debut group?

You can search for one online and read about their application process. Some limit their numbers or require fees. Membership is often available only to writers whose books are being published by a publisher listed in CWIM (Children’s Writer’s and Illustrator’s Market) or the equivalent.

Should I join a debut group?

Consider how much time/money a group might require of you. Do you want a group that will help you achieve your marketing goals, or simply a group to share this unique experience with? Keep in mind that if your book comes out at the end of a year, members might be burnt out by the time your release date approaches. The best part of joining a debut group is making friends with other writers, which most debut authors say is crucial to getting through the publishing process.